Focus group responses to the pilot N.E. wear #1.
Janet Milburt (Age 20, profession, trainee schoolteacher. Unmarried, disposable income - £3500 per year)
"Well, it wouldn't make me want to buy the clothes. It's not an advertisement for making a girl want to buy the clothes. But, well, they look a bit expensive, but I might consider them for my boyfriend. It's sort of romantic having a boyfriend who would take that sort of risk. Would I remember the brand? Oh yes, I think so."
Jason Hallison (Age 23, university student, studying engineering. Unmarried. Disposable income - £2000 per year.)
"It's a bit of fun, isn't it? Yes, I guess it would encourage me to buy the clothes. Every guy likes to think he's a bit of a wild child, and the clothes looked pretty cool. It's a good way of getting you to look at them, when you come to think of it. Are they expensive?
I don't know if I'll remember the brand, but I'll remember the ad!"
Charlotte Massey (Age 29, housewife. Married for three years. Disposable income - £5000 per year.)
"Well, I think this advertisement gives young people the wrong message. It's trying to say that sex before marriage is fashionable and exciting. With so many teenage girls getting pregnant, it's totally irresponsible. I wouldn't buy these clothes, and I certainly wouldn't want my husband to buy them either."
Jim Massey (Age 32, self-employed businessman. Married for 3 years. Disposable income - £7000 per year.)
"M'm. NE wear? I like the play on words, when the girl says 'NE wear', and you think at first she said 'anywhere'. It's a good way for you to remember the brand. The clothes looked quite good. I liked the hiking boots. So when did you say that they'll be on sale? "
Katy Wright (Age 30. Estate agent. Unmarried. Disposable income about £7000 per year.)
"If I was a bloke, I could see myself going for an advertisement like that. But for myself, I don't know. That girl looked under twenty years old, and I'm not buying clothes for a guy who runs after girls that age. But I like the idea of him hiding under a bush somewhere with no clothes on. That will teach him!
Will I remember the brand? Certainly. Would I buy my boyfriend the clothes? Probably not."
Marcus Woodruff (Age 22. Fitness trainer. Unmarried Disposable income £5000 per year.)
"I'd buy NE wear. It's never been as close as in that advertisement, but I've had to get out of a few beds in a hurry. I mean, the guy is cool, he's got a cute chick, and his clothes look good. Sure why shouldn't I want to go with that image?
Remember the brand? Oh yeah. Buy the clothes? Sure."
1. Who seems least likely to buy the clothes?
a. Janet 
b. Jim 
c. Katy 
d. Marcus 
2. What was the women's main objection?
a. The cost. 
b. The girl's age. 
c. Their boyfriend's reaction. 
d. The ad is for men only. 
3. Who are probable customers? (Answer more than one)
a. Younger people. 
b. Males. 
c. Females. 
d. Older people. 
4. What does everyone agree about the advertisement?
a. It is good. 
b. The message is wrong. 
c. Only men would buy. 
d. It is memorable. 
5. Who is most enthusiastic about the advertisement? (Answer two)
a. Jason 
b. Jim 
c. Katy 
d. Marcus 
6. Who has looked most closely at the advertising technique?
a. Jason 
b. Katy 
c. Janet 
d. Chatlotte 
7. How could the advertisement be improved?
a. Make the girl older. 
b. Show the missing boy. 
c. Display the clothes better. 
d. Make the father less aggressive. 
8. Who is most interested in the 'story' of the advertisement?
a. Jim 
b. Charlotte 
c. Katy 
d. Janet 