Introducing |  For when formal isn't good enough |
Simple, memorable and distinctive. We get an outdoor, tough feel by making the background the colour of leather, and a typeface that reminds people of the Wild West. On the clothing, where possible, the logo should be displayed on leather.
2. : N.E. wear.
The name is from mobile phone SMS text meaning 'anywhere' - most of the target audience will get it immediately. But putting a compass point (N.E.) in the name gives it an outdoor feel. We must keep a space between E. and the w of wear. We do not want this read as 'new ear' For the same reason on the logo, we use a slightly different typeface to distinguish wear from N.E.
3. : "For when formal isn't good enough".
The message is that 'casual' does not mean 'cheap'. We want to position N.E. wear as an item of conspicuous consumption. The idea is that people will choose N.E.   wear to show that they have money and good taste. The message should be "I can afford the best, and I'm wearing it, even if it isn't a suit."
4. of clothing : stylish, hard-wearing outdoor and leisure wear.
We see this gear being worn for outdoor events - watching sport, camping, barbeques, and for indoor informal social occasions. Even though we don't expect these clothes to be used for hard work, it is important that they can be used for this, or the brand will lose its street cred
5. market : 16 - 30 male and female.
Income groups BB $27,000 p.a. to RR $75,000.+ p.a (iso* rating). This is a market where price is not the most important reason for buying something. This must be remembered in advertisement placement.
6. of Characters wearing N. E. wear in advertisements : rebellious, sexy, adventurous, outdoor.
Rebellious : Show Characters in conflict/friction with authority figures
Sexy : Characters are attracted and attractive to the opposite sex.
Adventurous : Characters are in unusual situations. They take the initiative
Outdoor : We want an association with unconventional sports - hangliding, parachuting, snowboarding, mountain biking.
*International standards organisation
copyright Verity 2002
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Slogan Logo 
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Slogan Logo 
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Slogan Logo 
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Slogan Logo 
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Slogan Logo 
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Slogan Logo 
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