Does your company make these
Marketing Mistakes?
Here's five ways your marketing campaign might be costing money instead of making it for you.
 | Focussing on what interests you   A company wants to say how long it has been in business, who its boss is, what awards it has won, what techniques it uses to make its product . This often bores a possible customer. The customer wants to know how will the product solve his problem? How much does it cost? Where\how can he buy it? Why is it better than competing products? |
One-hit marketing   Few prospects will buy the first time that they see an advertisement. They need to be introduced to the company, see its products advertised in several different contexts, and feel comfortable buying from that company. So rather than say, a single ad at a huge sporting event, a company should try advertising on a billboard, or a local radio station. It might give away samples of its product. It will make sure that customers know where to find their details when they want to know more (a website, the yellow pages), and then it will hit them with targeted promotions.
Not knowing what works   The old joke is that 50% of marketing is wasted, but no-one knows which half. Every company's 'marketing puzzle' is unique, but there are ways of tracking success. For example, if you give out a contact number for an advertisement, if possible give different numbers, or different contact names for different advertisements - for example, people answering the radio ad might call Pete on 30301, and people answering the newspaper ad might be asked to call Julie on 30302. Do some basic research - ask your customers 'how did you find us?'
Not telling the prospect what to do.   It's not enough to tell the prospect 'Buy my product!'. Sometimes the customer will want to know how to select the type of product that is right for him or her. They will want to know how they can pay, what guarantees are offered, and how they can return the product if something goes wrong. They might need to know how to contact you. (Never simply say 'phone for more information'; customers are too afraid of getting a hard sales pitch to take up your offer.) | |
Not focussing your marketing.   Before you advertise, make sure that your prospects will see your advertisements. There is not much point in advertising dentures in a magazine for teenagers. Yet many businesses would rather spend £100 for an advertisement that is seen by 10,000 people, even though it might interest only ten of them (at £10 each) rather than £2000 for an advertisement that might interest 1000 prospects (at £2 each). £100 spent advertising sports products in a gym is worth more than £100 spent advertising the same product on a bus.
Now you know what NOT to do, remember that the RIGHT thing to do is to consult Verity Marketing for all your marketing needs.
1. Where was this text extracted from?
a. a training manual. 
b. an advertisement. 
c. a textbook. 
d. a magazine article. 
2. In para 1. what is the customer interested in?
a. the product. 
b. the company. 
c. himself. 
d. avoiding boredom. 
3. In para 2., what is the secret of success?
a. careful spending. 
b. targeted customers. 
c. sales techniques. 
d. repetition. 
4. In para 3, what is meant by 'tracking success'.
a. tracks which suceed. 
b. a good marketing puzzle. 
c. discovering what works. 
d. doing different advertisements.
5. What factor causes missed sales in para.4.?
a. hard selling. 
b. uncertainty. 
c. bad contacts. 
d. no phone calls. 
6. What does the last paragraph stress?
a. return on investment. 
b. advertising in magazines. 
c. the cost of advertising. 
d. how to sell sports products. 
7. What market does the text address?
a. businessmen. 
b. advertisers. 
c. customers. 
d. the general public. 
8. Why does Verity give this free advice?
a. to help the public. 
b. to improve advertising. 
c. to show its competence. 
d. to stop other companies charging for it. 