1. A book of instructions is called a/an - |
order book |
manual |
booklet |
index |
right |
wrong |
2. Information which an organisation gives to the press might be a - |
telling off |
publicity stunt |
advertorial |
press release |
right |
wrong |
3. The latest time that something sent to a magazine can be published is the - |
dateline |
headline |
deadline |
by-line |
right |
wrong |
4. A file sent with an e-mail is a/an - |
inclusion |
addendum |
post dated file |
attachment |
right |
wrong |
5. If you throw away something that does not interest you, you - |
throw up |
give it up |
drop it |
bin it |
right |
wrong |
6. An opposite of 'concise' is - |
precise |
excise |
adjectival |
wordy |
right |
wrong |
7. Extra information that helps you to understand a subject or situation is the - |
education |
publicity |
background |
instruction |
right |
wrong |
8. Saying how someone can reach you by phone, fax, e-mail etc is giving your - |
contact information |
curriculum vitae |
full address |
filofax details |
right |
wrong |
9. Something which is prevented from working properly is - |
blocked |
hampered |
confused |
taped in red |
right |
wrong |
10. If something is purchased very quickly, it is - |
a hot potato |
oversold |
snapped up |
a buyers' market |
right |
wrong |
11. A company which owns another company is called the - |
owning company |
master company |
parent company |
mother company |
right |
wrong |
12. The places where a manufacturer sells its procucts are its - |
selling points |
outlets |
shopping centers |
factory shops |
right |
wrong |
13. Plans which are not very developed are said to be on the - |
drawing board |
back burner |
early stage |
think tank |
right |
wrong |
14. First of all. The one in front. |
Primacy |
Frontage |
Foremost |
Superceding |
right |
wrong |
15. Something you use to give yourself an advantage - |
A cheat |
Oneupmanship |
A tactic |
A concept |
right |
wrong |