English for Everybody - Elementary reading comprehension


Page 31

The Coming Storm


The weather was unusually good until the afternoon. Some people like to visit the East Cliff churchyard because from that high place they can see far across the sea to the north and east. These people warned that clouds which predict a storm had appeared high in the sky to the north-west. At the time the wind was blowing from the south-west in a gentle way which is best described as a 'light breeze.'

The coastguard on duty reported this at once. Also, there is an old fisherman who, for more than half a century, has watched the weather from the East Cliff. He was completely certain that a sudden storm was coming. The sunset was very beautiful and grand with masses of splendidly-coloured clouds. A large number of people gathered on the walk along the cliff in the old churchyard to enjoy this beautiful sunset.

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