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The Jungle book

The man-eater

Father Wolf said "He is stupid to start hunting by making that noise! Does he think that the animals here are like his fat Waingunga farm animals?"

"Hush. He's not hunting farm animals or wild animals to-night," said Mother Wolf. "He is hunting Man."

The tiger was now making a strange sound that seemed to come from every direction at the same time. This noise frightens and confuses people who are sleeping outside their houses. Sometimes it makes people run right into the mouth of the tiger.

"Man!" said Father Wolf. He showed all his white teeth. " Aren't there enough small animals and insects in the river? Why must he eat Man, and near our home too!" The Law of the Jungle never orders anything without a reason. And it orders that you should never kill Man except to show children how to kill. And then the killer must hunt far away from where he usually hunts. The real reason for this is that man-killing means, sooner or later, men on elephants will arrive, with guns, and hundreds of other men with noise and fire. Then everybody in the jungle is unhappy.

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