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Lesson 3:   The office suite - part 1   |   part 2


The four people below are all working on the same data, but they want to do different things. Look at the four office suite programs listed below, then select a program and click on the person who should use it.
presentation program word processor spreadsheet database

Mr Uther is looking at the widgets that British Albion has sold this month. He is working out how many new widgets they need to order from the factory, and how much they have to charge the customers for the widgets so that the company makes a profit. He is using a   [..............] to do the calculations.

Mrs De Fey is at a staff meeting. She is telling the sales people how many widgets the company sold last month. She is using a program that takes the information and graphs that Mr Uther and Mr Pndragon have produced and makes them into colourful slides that can be shown to a large audience. This is a   [..............]

Miss Morgana is preparing a letter to the customers who need to pay for the widgets. She does not need to put the customers' names, because Mr Pendragon's program will add these. Mr Uther's part of the office suite will also add the amounts that the customers need to pay. So all Miss Morgana needs to do is write one letter with her   [..............] part of the office suite.

Mr Pendragon is puting the details that Mr Uther has sent him into another program, which also has details of the customers who have purchased the widgets but have not yet paid for them. This program also records how many widgets the company has still not sold and where they are. It also tells Mr Pendragon which shops sold the most widgets. This program is called a   [..............]