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This is the Functions Obstacle Course. You must choose your answers from the section in green. Each time there are two correct choices and two wrong choices. If you click in the wrong box the test will end immediately, so be very careful!

1. You meet Mr Jones who will be with you for this functions test.
You say -
I am pleasing to meet you.
How do you do?
Hello, Mr Jones
Hi! How do you do?
2. You want to know how to do this test.
You say -
Now tell me what to do.
What should I do now?
What am I doing now?
Can you tell me what to do?
4. You want to introduce your friend Bill to Mr Jones
You say -
Jones, meet Bill.
Have you met my friend Bill?
Mr Jones, this is Bill.
I present you with Bill.
3. You accidentally tread on Mr Jones' foot.
You say -
Oh, did that hurt?
Oh, I'm very sorry.
Sorry, did I hurt you?
Oh, yes. Sorry.
5. You want to ask Mr Jones what the time is
You say -
Do you have the time?
Tell me the time?
I wonder what time it is.
Please tell the time.
6. You do not hear what Mr Jones said.
You say -
I beg your pardon?
Please excuse me, sorry.
You can say that again
Um.. I didn't catch that.
8. You have made a mistake! This person is not Jane Jones.
You say -
Yes, it isn't you. Sorry.
I'm sorry, wrong person.
Excuse my sorry mistake.
Oh, sorry. Excuse me.
7. You see someone you have met before.
You go to her and say -
Hello, aren't you Jane Jones?
I'm sorry, you are Jane.
Er ..Jane Jones, isn't it?
Jane Jones, I'm Bill


It's too hard! I can't do it!