Book of the Month
English Language, Life and Culture

Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Authors: Anne Fraenkel, Richard Hill, Seamus O'Riordan
246 pages
Price £7.99

ISBN 0-340-80150-6


As the weather warms up in England, it's time for people to plan their summer holiday. Are you thinking of coming to England? Do you want to know something about the English and their way of life? Or are you a student who wants to see what life is like in a country where they speak English all the time? Or are you an English teacher, and you want to be able to answer students' questions about England and the English? If your answer to any of these questions os 'yes' you should look at this book, which could also be called 'How to be an expert on England in 246 pages'.

There are twelve chapters in the book. They try to give a complete picture of English life, with topics such as food (how often do English people eat fish and chips? Is it really the national dish?), education, government and the English constitution. On the way you discover interesting things about England, such as that most of the country is less than 100 meters above sea level. If you want to know more about each section, there is a selection of books called 'Further reading' and a list of websites with more information. Another thoughtful touch is that each chapter has a glossary of difficult words and their definitions. At the end of the book there is a useful index.

The book has a solid cover, and is well designed for travelling, though it is a bit too thick to put into your jacket pocket. There are not many pictures, and most of those are simple pen-and-ink drawings. This is a pity, as this is a book which would benefit from illustrations to show what the writers are talking about. The writers have understood that their readers will probably not have English as their first language, and have made it easy to read; but you will still need advanced English to get the best out of it.

The parts that most students will want to look at immediately are pages 19-38 (about the English language) and pages 38-58 (about English literature). The section on language does not say anything about English grammar, but you will learn how English started, the history of the language, different varieties of English and how English is changing as it becomes the world's language. The English literature section gives a short history of some of England's greatest writers, and a description of different types of novel - for example, gothic novels.

Who is this book for? It's for anyone who is interested in English language and culture. England is both a modern, dynamic countrye, and an ancient land, rich in tradition and history. For anyone who wants to know more about England and the English, this book is the perfect place to start. A word of warning though; this book is exactly what it says on the cover - about England. If you want to know about the other nations of Britian and the United Kingdom, this is not the book for you.

Verdict: Not an easy read unless you have good English. The perfect place to start finding out everything about England.
Assessment 9/10

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