English for Everybody - Advanced reading comprehension


Page 47

Drifting to some terrible doom


30 July. Last night. Rejoiced we are nearing England. Weather fine, all sails set. Retired worn out, slept soundly, awakened by mate telling me that both man on watch and steersman missing. Only self and mate and two hands left to work ship.

1 August. Two days of fog, and not a sail sighted. Had hoped when in the English Channel to be able to signal for help or get in somewhere. Not having power to work sails, have to run before wind. Dare not lower the sails as we could not raise them again. We seem to be drifting to some terrible doom. Mate now more demoralised than either of men. His stronger nature seems to have worked inwardly against himself. Men are beyond fear, working stolidly and patiently, with minds made up to worst. They are Russian, he Roumanian.

2 August, midnight. Woke up from few minutes sleep by hearing a cry, seemingly outside my port. Could see nothing in fog. Rushed on deck, and ran against mate. Tells me he heard cry and ran, but no sign of man on watch. One more gone.


Sails set: Sails raised to catch the wind
Sleep soundly: Sleep well
Drift: To float without direction
Doom: A horrible end one cannot avoid
Demoralised: Without the mental strength to go on
Stolid: Calm, reliable and without emotion
Port: Here it means the 'window' of the ship

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