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The Return of Sherlock Holmes

The Six Napoleons

Mr. Lestrade of Scotland Yard, used to visit us sometimes in the evening. Sherlock Holmes was always pleased to see him, because Lestrade told him about everything that was happening at the police headquarters. Lestrade would bring him the latest news, and in exchange Holmes was always ready to hear about any case which the detective was investigating. Though he did not try to get in the way, he had seen and done a lot of investigating. Sometimes he was able to suggest an idea or a bit of information which was helpful. On this particular evening, Lestrade had spoken about the weather and what was in the newspapers. Then he went quiet, and smoked his cigar with a thoughtful expression on his face. Holmes looked at him with interest.

"Are you doing anything special right now?" he asked.

"Oh, no, Mr. Holmes - nothing in particular."

"Then tell me about it."

Lestrade laughed. "Well, Mr. Holmes, I do have to say that there is something that I have been thinking about. And yet it is all so ridiculous, that I didn't want to bother you with it. On the other hand, although it is not important, it is certainly strange. I know that you like anything that is unusual. But, in my opinion, this is more Dr. Watson's kind of business."

"Illness?" I asked.

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