English for Everybody - Elementary reading comprehension


Page 43


Exploring the castle

When I went into the dining room, breakfast was ready, but I could not find the Count anywhere. So I ate my breakfast alone. It is strange that I have not yet seen the Count eat or drink. He must be a very peculiar man! After breakfast I did a little exploring in the castle. I went out on the stairs, and found a room looking towards the South.

The view was magnificent. And where I stood was the best possible place to see it. The castle is on the very edge of an incredible cliff. A stone falling from the window would fall a thousand feet without touching anything! All I could see was green tree tops far below. Occasionally there was a space between the trees where the ground had opened up. Here and there I could see silver threads which were rivers twisting and turning through the deep valleys in the forests.

But I am not in the mood to describe beauty. As soon as I had seen the view I went on exploring. There were doors, doors, doors everywhere, and they were all locked. The only way out of the castle walls is through the windows. In fact, the castle is a prison, and I am a prisoner!

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