Page 52

The Pickwick Papers

The helpful Mr Snodgrass

'I will attend you,' said Mr Snodgrass.

He was astonished, but by no means dismayed. It is extraordinary how cool any party but the principal can be in such cases. Mr Winkle had forgotten this. He had judged of his friend's feelings by his own.

'The consequences may be dreadful,' said Mr Winkle.

'I hope not,' said Mr Snodgrass.

'The doctor, I believe, is a very good shot,' said Mr Winkle.

'Most of these military men are,' observed Mr Snodgrass calmly; 'but so are you, ain't you?'

Mr Winkle replied in the affirmative; and perceiving that he had not alarmed his companion sufficiently, changed his ground. 'Snodgrass,' he said, in a voice tremulous with emotion, 'if I fall, you will find in a packet which I shall place in your hands a note for my - for my father.'


Attend: Be with and help
Dismayed: Disappointed and upset
Principal: The main person or thing involved
Affirmative: Yes
Fall: Here it means 'die'

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