Page 42

The Pickwick Papers

A challenge to a duel

Silently and patiently did the doctor bear all this, and all the handings of negus, and watching for glasses, and darting for biscuits, and coquetting, that ensued; but, a few seconds after the stranger had disappeared to lead Mrs. Budger to her carriage, he darted swiftly from the room with every particle of his hitherto bottled-up indignation effervescing, from all parts of his countenance, in a perspiration of passion.

The stranger was returning, and Mr Tupman was beside him. He spoke in a low tone, and laughed. The little doctor thirsted for his life. He was exulting. He had triumphed.

'Sir!' said the doctor, in an awful voice, producing a card, and retiring into an angle of the passage, 'my name is Slammer, Doctor Slammer, sir - 97th Regiment - Chatham Barracks - my card, Sir, my card.' He would have added more, but his indignation choked him.

'Ah!' replied the stranger coolly, 'Slammer - much obliged - polite attention - not ill now, Slammer - but when I am I will knock you up.'


Negus: An alcoholic drink
Coquetting: Flirting
Dart: To go quickly
Ensued: Happened, took place
Hitherto: Until then
Effervescing: Bubbling out
Exulting: Wildly happy
Retiring: Going back into
Knock you up: Pay a visit

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