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The Canterville Ghost

Virginia vanishes

There were little pictures of hunters on the old green cloth on the wall . They blew their horns and with their tiny hands waved to her to go back. Go back, little Virginia!' they said, `Go back!'. But the Ghost held on to her hand more tightly, and she shut her eyes and did not listen to thje little hunters. There were horrible animals with long tails carved onto the mantlepiece in the room. They blinked their big eyes and said softly `Be careful little Virginia, careful! We may never see you again,' but the Ghost went on more quickly, and Virginia did not listen to them either.

When they came to the end of the room they stopped. The Ghost said something which Virginia could not understand. She opened her eyes, and saw the wall slowly disappearing, and then there was a big black hole in front of her. A cold wind blew around them, and something pulled at Virginia's dress. `Quick, quick,' said the Ghost, `or it will be too late.' Then they went through and the wall came back behind them, and the room they had left was empty.

About ten minutes later, it was time for tea. Virginia was not there, so Mrs. Otis sent one of the servants to get her. After a while the servant came back. He said that he could not find Virginia anywhere. Virginia went out to the garden every evening to get flowers for the dinner-table, so Mrs. Otis was not worried. But six o'clock came, and still no-one had seen Virginia. Now Mrs Otis became really worried. She sent the boys out to look for her daughter, and she and Mr. Otis looked in every room in the house.

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