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Sherlock Holmes Investigates

The adventure of the speckled band.


When we had finished talking, my sister stood up and went to the door. At the door she stopped and looked at me.

She said: "Did you hear anyone whistling in the middle of the night?"

I said: "No, I didn’t; why?"

She answered: "On the last three nights I’ve always heard a whistle at about 3a.m., but I don’t know if it came from the next room or from the garden. I thought the best thing was to ask you. Do you whistle when you sleep?"

"I’m sure I don’t, and I’ve never heard a whistle" ....

"Yes, it’s not important anyway"

My sister went away. Later I heard her key turning in the lock. We used to lock the doors of our rooms during the night, because we were a bit afraid of the big animals around the house. Then I went to bed.

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