Click on the speakers to listen to the dialogues. Press the button next to the correct answer for the questions which follow. If you want to make a change, just press the button next to your new choice.

1. How much did the man pay? 2. Where is Henry? 3. What time is the meeting?
a. £29.50p a. Henry is with Bill. a. 9.00
b. £9.25p b. nobody knows where Henry is. b. 9.30
c. £20 15p c. Henry is standing by the door. c. 10.00
4. Whose is the suitcase? 5. What kind of film will they watch? 6. What time will the woman probably come back?
a. Wendy's. a. an action film. a. in the morning.
b. the man's. b. a love story. b. in the afternoon.
c. the woman's. c. a science fiction film. c. in the evening.

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