English for Everybody - Intermediate Course
A poor cold, wet, hungry soldier

      Put together the

Mixed-up Adjectives

The nine sentences below have all been mixed up. You have to write them again so that they make sense. When you have finished, you can check your work.

1. / the little / in the whole of / The best shop / seaside town

2. / curly hair made / dream boy / and long, / His dark eyes / him every girl's /

3. / and weak / coffee - / you too will be old / Don't criticize this / one day


4. / cold / I spent the / warm / night on a / winter / armchair by a / soft / fire.

5. / and very /The / saw her / she was / last time I / sixteen / shy

6. That / dog looks / black / - his teeth are / dangerous / too sharp.


7. / that Indian / too spicy /I feel / - curry was / sick -

8. French / it expensive? / perfume smells / That / good - was

9. / had a grey / The only / bald and / I saw was / man / beard.