Beginners course - Simple Past English for Everybody - beginners course
English for Everybody
Simple Past

FIRST look at Mikes diary for today, and see what he plans to do.

8.00 Get up! 1.00 Drive to the beach
8.30 Eat breakfast 2.00 Swim
9.00 Go to town 3.00 Write postcards
10.00 Find a coffee shop 5.00 Choose a restaurant
10.30 Drink some coffee 7.00 See a movie
11.00 Meet Janet 11.30 Sleep
12.00 Take Janet to lunch  

NOW look at this letter, and fill in the missing words, using the words which Mike wrote in his diary, but in the past tense.

Dear Pete,

I had a great first day of my holiday. I up quite early, and breakfast and to town. I a wonderful coffee shop where I two cups of coffee. Then I Janet, and her to lunch. After lunch we to the beach. Janet and I postcards. We a restaurant and had a lovely dinner. We a film about pirates, and then I went to bed and really well because it had been such a busy day.

I will write again soon.


                    NextLets go!

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