Beginners course - Invitations, suggestions, offer English for Everybody - beginners course
English for Everybody


Here are some invitations that need answers and answers that need invitations. Write the numbers into the boxes to match them up. (The first one has been done for you.) Afterwards, click on 'answers' to see if you were right.


1. Would you like to go to the dance with me?a. I don't know how to do that!  
2. Do you want to come to the cinema tonight?b. When are you having it?
3. Do you want to come swimming with us?c. Thank you, I'd love to come.
4. Can you come to dinner tonight?d. Yes please. What are we having?
5. Can I invite you to my party?e. No thanks, I'm driving.
6. Would you like to have a drink with us?f. Oh, I am going with Joey
Lets go!