Choose the right answers to these introductions.
Introduction: Hi, I am Ann. |
How do you do?  |
Hi Ann, I am Steve  |
Steve  |
Introduction: Hello, I am Mr Smith. |
How do you do? |
Hi, I am John. |
Nice to meet you Smith. |
Introduction: Hi, My name is Janet. |
How do you do? |
Hello Janet, I am Pete. |
How are you Ms Janet? |
Introduction: Hi, I am Pete. |
Hi, I am James. |
Are you? |
How do you do? |
Introduction: Hello, My name is Dr Jones. |
Hi, I am Jake. |
Hi Jones, I am Anna. |
How are you Dr Jones? |
Introduction: Hello, I am Jane. |
Hi Jane, my name is John. |
How do you do Jane? |
Hi Ms. |