English for Everybody - Beginners course


Let's learn about articles


The English language has two types of article: a/an and the.

a/an = indefinite article Indefinite articles are used before nouns which are not defined.

I am reading a book.
His father is a teacher.
  If the first letter of the noun is a vowel (a, e, i, o u) we normally use an instead of a.

I am eating an apple.
His father is an English teacher.
  Indefinite articles are only used with singular, countable nouns.

I am eating an orange.
I am eating oranges. (Oranges are plural.)

Would you like a cup of tea?
Would you like some tea? (Tea is uncountable.)

the = definite article Definite articles are used before nouns which are defined.

Which boy do you mean? The boy standing over there?
The moon is very bright tonight. (We have only one moon so it is defined.)
  Definite articles can be used with plurals.

The children are at shool. (The children means my children)
Children should not be left unsupervised. (This refers to any children.)
  Definite articles can be used with uncountable nouns.

The money in the drawer is for special occasions. (We define which money we mean - the money in the drawer.)
We don't have enough money to buy that. (Money in this context is general.)
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