English for Everybody - Beginners course
Stating Preferences

Carol and Simon are choosing their holiday. Look at the dialog and then answer 'true' or 'false'.

Carol: Where shall we go on holiday this year?
Simon: I would like to do a bit of walking.
Carol: How about going Paris?
Simon: Well I would prefer walking somewhere in the mountains
Carol: Well, we go to the mountains every year. I would rather go somewhere else this year
Simon: OK, how about going to the lake district then?
Carol: I would prefer to go to the sea. We can always go for long walks on the beach.
Simon: OK I have an idea. If we go to Vancouver we will have sea, mountains and the city to visit
Carol: An excellent idea! I will start looking for a hotel. Any preferences?
Simon: Not really, but it would be nice if the room had an internet connection.
Carol: OK, I will see what I can find.
Simon would rather not go to Paris
Simon prefers going to the mountains
Carol would rather go to the Lake District
Carol and Simon decided to go to Vancouver
Carol prefers a room without an internet connection
NextLets go!