English for Everybody - Advanced course
Here comes the future!
Looking at...

The Future.

Look at the letter below. In each of the spaces write one of the choices in the list above the letter . Use each choice only once. If two choices are possible, use a choice that you do not need somewhere else.

will be, shall, am, [nothing], should, going to, are, might, will have, going to, is, [nothing], will, is going to.

Gypsy: Okay, we begin? Hmm, my crystal ball tells me that you are meet a blonde handsome man. At some time in the next few days, you walking to the sports center....

Sarah: Yes, I playing squash with Sally on Wednesday. Is that when I meet this man? What I say to him?

Gypsy: I don't know, but this man connected with a loss you suffered by the end of next week.

Sarah: I'm lose something? Oh, that be my car keys - I often lose them! But tell me about this man. Do you see us dancing together?

Gypsy: No, you soon be describing him to a policeman. If you not careful, he steal your sports bag!

Let's go!next