English for Everybody - Advanced course
Let's practice the.... Present Simple.

Look at the sentences below. Each sentence has a word missing. Underneath you have three choices for the missing word. Click on the button for the best word to put in the sentence. A letter followed by - means no word is needed.

1. He is a xxxx person - he trusts no-one.
a. suspecting b. suspicious c. suspicion

2. He is a xxxx person - no-one trusts him.
a. suspecting b. suspicious c. suspicion

3. So this man came to a bar, and he xxxx for a drink.
a. asked b. asks c. a and b

4. This xxxx a good time to do business.
a. isn't b. hasn't c. doesn't do

5. You might think it's interesting, but xxxx .
a. I'm not b. I don't c. I mightn't

6. Headline: Minister xxxx he did nothing wrong.
a. says b. said c. saying

7. I don't believe him, no matter what he xxxx.
a. can say b. does say c. says

8. "Can I use the salt?" "Please xxxx".
a. do b. - c. a and b

Let's go!