English for Everybody - Advanced course
Dr Johnson

International Idiom Crossword.

First read the clues. When you think you know the answer, click on the clue, and you will be taken to the beginning of your word. Don't click on the crossword, or it won't recognise your letters. If you have written the correct letter, you will be taken to the next space to write the next letter. If your letter is wrong, it will vanish, and you have to try another one.
If you can't finish, try vocabulary lesson 5 first. This will help you to find the answers you need. Then come back to the crossword.
Have fun!

1. If you escape without a penalty, you go .... free.
3. Insignificant things that are eventually unbearable are called ..... water torture..
5. A salad of mainly peas, potatoes and mayonnaise.
6. A window blind made of slats.
9. Kissing using your tongue is called .... kissing.
2. When something obvious is not seen, it's called .... mist
4. It's incomprehensible. It's .... to me!
7. A violent interrogation is called the .... inquisition.
8. A gamble that might be fatal is called .... roulette..
10. Something subtle and complicated is called .....
11. To be brutally frank is to talk like a .... uncle.
12. If you each pay your share, you go ....


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