Stating Preferences

English for Everybody - Beginners course
Carol and Simon are choosing their holiday. Look at the dialog and then answer 'True' or 'False'.

Carol: Where shall we go on holiday this year?
Simon: I would like to do a bit of walking.
Carol: How about going Paris?
Simon: Well I would prefer walking somewhere in the mountains
Carol: Well, we go to the mountains every year. I would rather go somewhere else this year
Simon: OK, how about going to the lake district then?
Carol: I would prefer to go to the sea. We can always go for long walks on the beach.
Simon: OK I have an idea. If we go to Vancouver we will have sea, mountains and the city to visit
Carol: An excellent idea! I will start looking for a hotel. Any preferences?
Simon: Not really, but it would be nice if the room had an internet connection.
Carol: OK, I will see what I can find.